2022: How to Amplify Your School’s Brand Through Digital PR, DiveWire
2021: Presenter, Storytelling For Educators, Virtual Teacher Art Retreat
2021: Presenter, The Power of Storytelling: Using Storytelling to Accelerate School Growth, SMART Technologies
2021: Presenter, Developing Brand Ambassadors From Within Your Own Campus, isbi Marketing and Admissions 2021 Conference (United Kingdom)
2020: Panelist, Leading the Culture to Well-Being - From Employee Anxiety to Relief, National Town Hall, MichBusiness
2020: Panelist, Communicators for Communicators, Global Communication Summit (Berlin, Germany)
2020: Presenter, If Your Culture Stinks, So Will Your Brand, CommsHero Week (United Kingdom)
2019: Presenter, Lead Magnets, Pop-Ups, Blogs Made Easy, National Schools Public Relations Association Conference
2019: Presenter, Engaging and Energising Communications Teams, PRFest (Scotland)
2019: Co-Presenter, Enhance Your School's Brand by Engaging Employees, Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s Annual Conference on Marketing and Branding
2019: Co-Presenter, Employee Engagement, Onboarding, and Culture: Not Just HR's Business, Public Relations Society of America’s Counselors to Higher Education Senior Summit
2019: Presenter, Building Your Personal Brand, Cleary University
2019: Presenter, Setting Up a Communication Process Workflow, Michigan Schools Public Relations Association
2018: Presenter, How Communicators Can Increase Employee Engagement Through Onboarding and Training, International Association of Business Communicators Heritage Region Conference
2018: Presenter, Oakland University Superintendents’ Executive Leadership Academy
2018: Presenter, Onboarding for Organizational Culture, Branding, and Employee Engagement, National Schools Public Relations Association
2018: Presenter, Marketing Like a Private School on a Public School Budget, National Schools Public Relations Association
2018: Presenter, Onboarding for Organizational Culture, Michigan Schools Public Relations Association
2018: Presenter, Writing for the Web and Mobile, Oakland Schools